Yay! Quiz time! I recently stumbled across this quiz on bookbrowse.com and just had to share it with all you lovely people. It's all about what type of reader you are. Here are all the different types of reading personalities you could be:
Involved Reader: You don't just love to read books, you love to read about books. For you, half the fun of reading is the thrill of the chase - discovering new books and authors, and discussing your finds with others.
Exacting Reader: You love books but you rarely have as much time to read as you'd like - so you're very particular about the books you choose.
Serial Reader: You're a publisher's dream, because once you discover a favorite writer you tend to stick with him/her through thick and thin and eagerly await the next in the series; but even you need to discover some new blood from time to time!
Eclectic Reader: You read for entertainment but also to expand your mind. You're open to new ideas and new writers, and are not wedded to a particular genre or limited range of authors.
If you want to find out what combination of results you will get, go take the quiz now!
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